世界と音楽を繋げるアプリ「Shazam」 — Shazam Entertainment 音楽チームディレクター Will Mills氏 インタビュー

今回は、スマホをかざすだけで知らない音楽・楽曲の曲名を調べられ、タグ付けできることでお馴染みのアプリ「Shazam」を提供する、Shazam Entertainmentの音楽チームディレクターのWill Millsさんにお話しを伺いました。
Will Mills:Shazamは、200ヶ国以上と33の言語環境で、3億人以上を好きな音楽やテレビ番組、ブランドでつなぎます。Shazamは、世界をリードするメディア・エンゲージメント企業であり、史上最もダウンロードされたトップ10 iPhoneアプリの一つです。
iOS、Android、BlackBerry、Windows 7など主要プラットフォームに対応していまして、iTunes、Amazon、Android Market、Nokia Storeなど主要なアプリストアで入手できます。
Will Mills:当初のアイデアは、「どんなに騒がしい場所でも人々の背後で流れている楽曲情報を知ることができる、簡単な分かりやすいサービスを作る」という非常にシンプルなものでした。
Will Mills:創業者たちは、英国の人々と身の回りで流れているけれど曲名を知らない音楽とをつなぐシンプルなサービスとして、Shazamを2000年に立ち上げました。その約2年後に、SMSサービスとして提供を開始しました。
Will Mills:サービスの核となる「フィンガープリント生成用アルゴリズム」を開発することに最も苦労しましたが、それがこのサービスにとって極めて重要なものとなりました。
Will Mills:Shazamでは現在2,700万曲以上のデータベースを管理し、毎週数十万曲を新たに追加しています。
Will Mills:Shazamは、先ほど述べた音楽フィンガープリント生成に関する独自のオーディオ認識技術の特許を取得しており、この技術によって音楽のピークや谷が分析され、アプリでキャプチャーされた楽曲と比較しているのです。
Will Mills:Shazamは「Shazam for TV」を2011年に開始しました。その後、我々は大手放送局と提携し、米NBCの2012年ロンドン五輪放送、スーパーボウル、グラミー賞、アメリカン・アイドルを始めとする各局の人気番組において、インタラクティブな視聴体験を実現してきました。
Will Mills:現在はグローバルユーザー数が3億人を突破し、今でも、音楽やテレビ番組など毎日1,000万以上のコンテンツがタグ付けされています。日本では、300万人以上のShazamファン(ユーザー)が存在しています。
Will Mills:我々のビジネスには、幾つかの収益源があり、フリーミアムモデルはその一つです。その他の収益源には バナー広告とShazam for TVサービスを含む広告収入、音楽やその他のデジタル販売のアフィリエイトからの収入があります。実際にShazamは毎年3億ドル以上のデジタル売上を生み出しており、ShazamはiTunes最大のアフィリエイト・パートナーとなっています。
Will Mills:Shazamの本社はロンドンと、カリフォルニア州メンロパークにあります。事業所は、ニューヨーク、ロサンゼルス、シカゴ、デトロイト、シドニー、ソウルにあります。
Will Mills:Shazamは世界中のレーベルと協力して、最新かつ人気のトラックをリリース前からデータベースに保有しています。加えて、Shazamはオルタナティブラジオやクラブでプレイされているトラック情報を正確に把握している世界中の「テイストメーカー」と協力して、メインストリームで注目される前の音楽を常に追いかけています。
Will Mills:Shazamの楽曲認識サービスは日本でもすでに利用されていますし、多くのファンを獲得しています。現在Shazam for TVサービスを拡大させていく中で、日本やAPAC地域でも今後サービスを提供して行く予定ですが、特に具体的な時期を設定しているわけではありません。
Will Mills:きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ、サカナクション、MAN WITH A MISSION等は、ジャンルに縛られないワールドクラスのアーティストが日本に存在することを証明していると思います。Shazamでは彼らの世界市場での成長をサポートできればと思っています。
我々はまた、Predawnやthe telephonesなどドメスティックかつインターナショナルな市場で成功するポテンシャルを秘めた新人アクトにも注目しています。
Will Mills:日本は世界で最も大きな音楽市場の一つで、違法ダウンロードに対し非常に優れた抵抗を示しています。ドメスティックなレパートリーとアーティストの強さも、特にグローバル化が進む今日の世界では賞賛に値します。
Will Mills:世界の音楽産業は活気に満ちています。勿論、過去10年以上の間で違法ダウンロードが音楽ビジネスの規模を半分以下に縮小させた事実はあります。
Will Mills:音楽は本質的にソーシャルな存在で、その人がどんな人なのかを示してくれる重要な要素だと考えています。 Shazamでは、見つけた音楽をソーシャルメディアで(Facebook、Twitter、Google+)で共有できるだけでなく、あなたの友人が関心を持った音楽やTV番組の情報を共有できる独自のソーシャルフィードをアプリ内で提供しています。
Will Mills:現在、Shazamは成長戦略を重視しており、Shazam for TVサービスの開発に注力しています。そして人々が毎日の生活の一部として使えるアプリの開発を今後も継続していきます。
——We are well aware of what Shazam can do but could you briefly explain the app’s main features for those of our readers who are hearing about Shazam for the first time.
Will Mills:Shazam connects more than 300 million people in over 200 countries and 33 languages to the music,TV shows and brands they love. All this makes it the world’s leading media engagement company and the top ten most downloaded iPhone app of all time. Shazam works on all major platforms including iOS, Android, BlackBerry, and Windows 7 and is available on all major app stores including iTunes, Amazon, Android Market, and the Nokia Store,amongst others.
Shazam works with carriers around the world, including AT&T, T-Mobile and Vodafone to enhance their marketing strategies, enhancing their service for their customers.
——Where did the idea for Shazam first come from?
Will Mills:The initial idea was a basic one – creating an easy-to-use service to tell you the name of a song playing in the background wherever you are, regardless how noisy the environment may be.
——How long was the development period for the app?
Will Mills:The founders started Shazam in 2000 as a simple service designed to connect people in the UK with music they heard, but didn’t know. The service was launched to the public nearly two years later as a simple SMS service – when people dialed 2580, they would receive a text message that include the name of the song and artist as well as the opportunity to purchase the ringtone. The big turning point came with the launch of iTunes – Shazam was one of the first apps that people liked to use when showing off the cool technology to their friends. And now, Shazam is now one of the world’s most recognized mobile consumer brands.
——What was the hardest part of the development process?
Will Mills:The hardest – but the most important part – of the development process was creating the fingerprinting algorithm that is at the core of our service. This not only enabled the basic ability to identify music, it was crucial to being able to filter out background noise so that the service would work, no matter how noisy the environment (such as a bar or club).
——How many tracks are currently listed in Shazam’s database?
Will Mills:Shazam has a database of more than 27 million tracks and is growing by hundreds of thousands of tracks each week.
——Shazam identifies songs with remarkable speed. What audio matching techniques are use to achieve this?
Will Mills:Shazam holds the patent on our audio recognition technologies that create a fingerprint of the music,
looking at the peaks and troughs, then comparing them to the music captured when people use the app.
——How is the move from music to TV working out at Shazam? What kind of growth are you seeing in the TV business? What kind of companies and brands have you been working with?
Will Mills:Shazam launched its Shazam for TV service in 2011 and, since then, has partnered with major broadcasters to make leading programs such as NBC’s coverage of the 2012 London Olympics, the Super Bowl, The GRAMMY Awards, American Idol and other popular programs interactive. Additionally, Shazam has also worked with more than 200 of the world’s leading brands such as Procter and Gamble, Coke, Pepsi, Honda, American Express and many, many more in campaigns that have run in the US, UK, Europe and Australia.
——Moving on to numbers, can you tell us Shazam’s current global user growth rate, the number of global active users and the number of users in Japan?
Will Mills:We currently have more than 300 million people around the world who use the service, tagging more than 10 million pieces of content, including music and television, each and every day. Japan has more than three million Shazam fans.
——Shazam’s core business is based on a freemium model.
Will Mills:Our business model is based on a number of revenue streams, including the freemium model,advertising-based revenues (both banner ad sales as well as the Shazam for TV service), and affiliate sales from the music and other digital sales we generate. In fact, Shazam is responsible for more than $300 million in digital sales each year, making it iTunes’ larges affiliate partner.
——Where does Shazam Entertainment currently have offices?
Will Mills:Shazam’s corporate headquarters are in London, with US headquarters in Menlo Park, California.Additionally, it also has offices in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Detroit, Sydney and Seoul.
——Shazam can be used to search for a wide variety of Japanese tracks. How do you go about sourcing Japanese music?
Will Mills:Shazam works with labels from around the world to make sure that we have the latest and most
popular music in our database before it’s released. Additionally, it also works with “tastemakers”
around the world who have their finger on the pulse of the tracks being played on alternative radio
stations and in clubs, helping us keep up with the trends before they hit the mainstream.
——What plans does Shazam have for entering the Japanese market? What challenges do you expect to face in Japan?
Will Mills:Of course, Shazam’s music recognition is already available and has gained fans in Japan. As the Shazam for TV service continues to grow, it will be available in Japan and the AIPAC region but, at this time, we don’t have a timeframe.
——Are there any Japanese artists to whom you are currently paying particular attention?
Will Mills:Artists such as Kyary Pamyu Pamyu, Sakanaction and Man With A Mission are showing the world that Japan has world class acts across multiple genres and here at Shazam we hope to further support their growth in the global market. We also try to keep an eye on breaking acts such as Predawn and The Telephones who have the potential for both domestic and international success.
——What does the team at Shazam Entertainment think of Japan’s music industry?
Will Mills:Japan is one of the world’s largest music industries and has shown good resilience to piracy. The strength of domestic repertoire and artists is also to be applauded especially in the global world we live in today.
——What are your thoughts on today’s global music industry?
Will Mills:It’s an exciting time for the global music industry. Of course piracy has more than halved the business over the last decade, however now we are seeing (albeit small so far) signs of growth.
The ability of technologies like Shazam to connect fans directly with artists and enable over 1m daily music transactions is a key part of the $3bn ala carte download music business (driving $300m of sales via Shazam each year). The growth of streaming services like partners of ours like Rdio, Saavn and others is exciting as a way to monitize parts of the business previously left to piracy. At a strategic level the incredible numbers of new people coming online particularly via mobile is a great opportunity to create value around music, not just via downloads,streaming, but also video services like VEVO and YouTube and new developments in concert ticketing.
——What are your thoughts on the role of social media in mobile music businesses?
Will Mills:Music is inherently social and says a lot about who we are as people so it is of course an important factor. At Shazam for a long time you’ve been able to share your music discoveries via social media (Facebook, Twitter, Google+) and we have our own social feed in the app which provides a focused discovery environment of what your friends are engaging with around music and TV.
——Are there any plans to expand into new fields or industries in the near future?
Will Mills:Right now, Shazam is focused on growing and developing our Shazam for TV service and continuing to develop the app to make it something that people can use as part of their everyday lives.